
Here are some pros doing this pose:
1) (Modified) Parivrtta Trikonasana

Step-by-Step Guide for Modified:
1. Start in tadasana with your hands to your chest. Remember in tadasana we must contract our legs e.g quadriceps, and continue to contract from the bottom up.

2. Jump out so your feet are about 3-4 feet apart. Spread your arms straight out to the side. Afterwards sink them a little into your shoulder blades.

3. Lead with your chest to bend down to the level of your hips and grab your right arm to your opposite leg's calf or shin. You may place your other hand on your hip.

 4. Extend your arm (that was previously on your hip) straight up to the sky. Turn your head upwards to look at the top of your fingertips and hold for 30 seconds.

5. Untwist the torso slowly (to get back to step 2) and repeat the process for your other side.

     2) (Full Posture) Parivrrta Trikonasana

Step-by-Step for Full Posture:
~Remember to breath ~
1. Start in Downward-Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana.

2. Step your right foot forward in between your hands.

3. Straighten the legs and make sure they are still contracted. Turn your left foot out at about a 45-60º angle, you may also bring it a little out from instep to help keep you balanced. As you get more experienced, try to keep it lined up. The leg that is out in front should be externally rotating; your knee should move more towards your pinky toe.

4. Lengthen your spine while leveling your body to match up with your hips. Next, depending on your comfort level, place your left hand on the inside of your foot, on top of your foot, or outside of your food (crossing your hand across your foot). You could also put your hand on your waist to steady yourself. [My spine isn't straightened out in this picture just yet. Also, my hand is on the inside of my foot since I'm just learning this posture].

5. After you make sure you are steady, take a breath and right after exhaling, reach your right arm straight up towards the sky as you twist your torso to open up your chest.

6. If you are steady then, turn your head to look up at your hand's fingertips. Hold for 5-10 breaths (or however long you are comfortable with).

7. To release, take a breath and on your exhale untwist your torso. Then go back into downward-facing dog and repeat for your other leg.

Source of info (not including pictures):


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